Mattress Cleaning
Fab Sleep
Mattress & Feather Bed Cleaning
You spend ⅓ of your life sleeping… rest well knowing you are on a CLEAN mattress! HomeCare’s team of experts will come to your home and clean your mattresses and feather beds on-site. Similar to your other home furnishings, dirt, dust mites, odors and allergens can easily get trapped in the fibers of your mattresses. And the average adult sweats 26 gallons a year in bed which can attract bacteria and fungus. Because of these reasons, it is important to deep clean your mattress at least twice a year.

The best way to remove all the dirt, bacteria, allergens and more from your mattress is to have it professionally cleaned. Our team takes the utmost care and pays attention to every detail throughout the cleaning process. Our tech will pre-vacuum your mattress to remove hair, soil and dirt before spot treating any stained areas. Next comes the deep clean. We use hot water and a special solution, then remove all moisture quickly and efficiently as possible leaving your mattress dry and like new within hours.
Call today for a FREE consultation and to book your cleaning. We service all of Fairfield and Westchester Counties, and look forward to hearing from you!